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Welcome to Maple class...



Welcome to Year 1/2 – The year of Communication


With their confidence to tackle learning initiated in the Foundation stage, and their curiosity for knowledge awakened in Year 1, by Year 2, children are ready to communicate their thinking and learning in different ways.

Year 2 is the final year of Key Stage 1 and the year of communication. Good communication skills help us to solve problems and maintain interpersonal relationships and, while learning to read and write opens up a whole new world for children, it also rapidly expands their communicative abilities. As children reach Year 2, they are more and more aware of the power of communication. They are learning to express themselves and may even have found frustration in miscommunications! Children will continue to learn that communication is a two-way process and one that goes hand in hand with the ability to listen and empathise.


By the end of Key Stage 1, the children will also become familiar with a more structured school day ready for their transition into Key Stage 2. Developing independence is key and children will become part of the conversation of their learning. Through sharing targets and giving children time to respond to their feedback, children will develop skills in self-evaluation and reflection.


Building on their previous learning, children will continue to master the skills in reading, writing and number. They will continue to experience purposeful and meaningful education that will excite and inspire. The school’s fantastic outdoor environment and our rich local community will be used to support and direct our topics, delivering the National curriculum in a variety of ways to make learning personalised, accessible and interesting.


Year 2 is also a national testing year and children will be assessed in Reading, Maths  and Writing. The results will determine whether children have met the End of Key Stage expectations.


What we are learning about in Summer 1

Maple class – Meet the Team
