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Early Reading and Phonics

"Our new sound is /q/. It's tricky because you hear a /k/ and a /w/ but you need a /q/ and a /u/." Elliott and Emmerson (EYFS)


"We listen to our teacher say a sentence and then we write it and we take books home." Jack (Year 1)

Early Reading:


At Colyton reading is a valuable and rewarding experience, which is celebrated throughout EYFS and KS1. The children are exposed to a variety of nursery rhymes and have daily whole class story time.  Our reading spine ensures that the reading experiences of the children are varied and exciting. The teachers take pride in creating a stimulating environment which celebrates reading. Each class in KS1 has a specific area for reading, where fiction, non-fiction and poetry can be read, discussed and shared.


In EYFS, Literacy is taught in two week blocks, where the block is based on a text from the children’s interests. When planning, teachers ensure there is a variety of genre taught to ensure coverage across the year. In January, children start to take part in daily teacher-led guided reading sessions, where teachers share quality texts with children and encourage the development of early inference, prediction and sequencing skills through their structured questioning. Reading activities are also embedded within continuous provision.




At Colyton Primary Academy, we teach phonics through Sounds Write. 

Sounds-Write is a quality first phonics programme.  It is a very highly structured, multi-sensory, incremental and code-oriented, instructional approach to teaching children to read and spell. Sounds Write is introduced in YR, taught in KS1 and fine-tuned throughout the rest of Key Stage 2. In addition, it also serves very successfully as an intervention or catch-up programme.






For further information on the Sounds Write phonics programme please visit their website here. 



