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Curriculum Intent

The Vision for schools in the First Federation Trust is that:


Everyone works to enable outstanding learning and teaching - putting children first


We will achieve our vision if:

    • Every child is inspired to learn by an exciting, innovative, and challenging curriculum
    • Every child is taught by an Exceptional Teacher
    • Everyone in the Trust is a Lifelong Learner


To meet the aspirations of the ‘whole child’


At Colyton our Curriculum embodies these values. We are dedicated to ensuring all children have a positive experience of school and are equipped with skills to be life-long learners. 


Curriculum intent

At Colyton Primary Academy we offer a broad academic curriculum, spanning from EYFS to Year 6, that is underpinned by our four key aims.

  • READING - Every child a reader: A reading-rich curriculum which enhances learning, supports the development of communication skills and results in the acquisition of knowledge which is retained, so that pupils know more, remember more and learn more.

  • ENRICHMENT - Being good citizens: A curriculum which celebrates difference, develops an understanding of right and wrong, and which ensures pupils develop a strong moral compass.

  • AMBITIOUS - A love for learning and being curious: A curriculum that is exciting and engaging, which challenges children to think, question, problem solve and reason and offers hands on experiences.   

  • METACOGNITIVE LEARNERS - Learning skills for life: Our curriculum, task design and lessons encourage children to think deeply, ask questions and evaluate their learning at every stage. Our curriculum is progressive and sequential so that children know more, remember more and evaluate!


Our curriculum aims to give our children as many real, hands-on experiences as possible and make learning real and meaningful through: real books, real job roles, real problems, real experiences, real people and real issues. 


Our Curriculum spans from Nursery to Year 6. For more information on how we approach our curriculum in EYFS, see our EYFS Curriculum Page.

On our website you will find out about each of the subjects we teach across Key Stages 1 and 2; the foundations of these subjects (which start in EYFS); and what the children will learn about each term. For maths, we follow the NCTEM Ready to Progress documents and in English, our work is based around a key text or film.


