First Federation Trust
Special Educational Needs and Disability
At Colyton Primary Academy we follow a graduated support approach which is called “Assess, Plan, Do, Review”. This means that we will:
Assess a child’s special educational needs
Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes
Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes
Review the support and progress
As part of this approach, we will produce a SEN Support Plan (PLP) that describes the provision that we will make to meet a child’s special educational needs and agreed outcomes. Parents and carers will be fully involved in this process.
A small percentage of children and young people with significant learning difficulties might need an assessment that could lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Full details can be found on the Devon's SEND Local Offer - help and support for children with SEND
How do we ensure that children who need extra help are identified early?
Children are identified as having special educational needs through a variety of ways including the following:-
- Child performing below age related expected levels and performance thresholds – this could be in any of the core subjects, or in social emotional development.
- Assessments of children on entry to school e.g. Speech and Language assessments, Baseline assessments
- Ongoing tracking attainment of children through the year
- Concerns raised by parent
- Concerns raised by teacher, for example behavior needs or self-esteem affecting academic performance
- Clear systems to raise concerns in place, involving consultation with parents.
- Consultations between class teachers and members of the leadership team where progress is discussed
- Extensive Liaison with external agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service
- Health diagnosis through Pediatrician or advice from GP
- Liaison with previous school or setting, if applicable