First Federation Trust
At Colyton Primary Academy we are proud of our curriculum offer.
Our curriculum is aspirational and we aim to provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge
Our school provides a nurturing and inclusive learning environment that enables each of our pupils to thrive with an expectation of high academic standards.
We value reading and mathematics in particular, as key life skills. Phonics and reading is prioritised to allow pupils to access the full curriculum offer. We aim to ensure a rigorous and sequential approach to ensure that pupils become progressively confident and fluent in the core basic skills.
It is our aim to develop a love of reading and mathematical problem solving to help pupils know more, remember more and understand more.
The curriculum goes beyond the expected by celebrating our cultural and historical heritage in conjunction with pupils’ personal development. We enhance our curriculum with golden threads of key knowledge and skills we feel ensure children become experts within a subject. We also provide frequent and exciting whole school activities that boost our curriculum.
Our rich, ambitious and relevant education meets the needs of all children throughout the school. In return, our children develop as independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations. Our pupils quickly learn how to make a positive contribution to their community. At Colyton, pupils aspire to be members of the wider society as caring, honest and tolerant individuals.
The curriculum ensures that academic success is achieved and celebrated. The diverse curriculum encourages creativity, problem solving, responsibility and resilience.
The curriculum celebrates diversity, encourages tolerance, and develops respect. Children are well prepared for life in modern Britain. The curriculum is designed to give all pupils, including children that are disadvantaged and with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning.
Our Curriculum Overview:
We have been working on our ambitious curriculum at Colyton.
Below you will find an overview of our rolling programme for each year group.
This curriculum fully launched in June 2024 so some activities planned may not have taken place this year but are planned for the future. Staff and subject leaders review this regularly to ensure we have the best coverage of the national curriculum as possible.
You will see that our whole school overview remains the same for each year group; we value our mental health, spending time as a family and our environment and want to make sure all of our community can celebrate this.